- Betty Crocker Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
- ½ Cup AVB
- ½ Cup Coconut Oil
- 1 Egg
- Strainer
Directions - Making Infused Oil
Step 1 -
On VERY low heat add your coconut oil
Step 2
Once your oil is melted, add your AVB.
Step 3
Mix AVB and oil. Cover Lid.
Step 4
Simmer for (at least) 1 hour… the longer the better.
Step 5
Strain the infused oil into a container. Let cool and its ready to use.
Step 6
Add you infused oil into the cake mix and follow instructions on box.
Helpful Baking Tips
- Always dump your AVB while your bowl is still hot. This will help with your cannabis from sticking to your bowl.
- When baking always mix your eggs in a separate bowl, then mix into cake mix
- Always try to use room temperature ingredients
- Place your cake mix in the fridge before placing it in the oven.
What is AVB?
Already Vaped Bud (AVB), also known as Already Been Vaped or Already Vaporized Bud, refers to the remains of cannabis flower or herb that has been used in a vaporizer. When you vaporize cannabis, you're essentially heating it to a temperature where the active compounds (such as THC and CBD) are released as vapor without burning the plant material. The leftover cannabis material that remains after vaporization is AVB. It looks brown and can have a slightly toasted or spent appearance, depending on how thoroughly it was vaporized. Despite being used, AVB still contains some residual cannabinoids. Since the cannabinoids have been partially activated during vaporization, you can use AVB in cooking or infusions without the need for further decarboxylation (the process of heating cannabis to activate cannabinoids). However, the potency of AVB can vary based on factors like the temperature used during vaporization and the type of vaporizer, so it's essential to experiment and dose carefully when using AVB in homemade cannabis products.
How Strong is AVB?
The strength of AVB can vary widely depending on several factors, including the original potency of the cannabis you used, the temperature at which it was vaporized, and how thoroughly it was vaporized. Here are some general guidelines to consider: Original Potency: The strength of AVB is directly related to the potency of the cannabis flower you initially used in your vaporizer. If you started with high-THC cannabis, there will likely be more residual THC in your AVB. Vaporization Temperature: The temperature at which you vaporized the cannabis plays a crucial role. Different cannabinoids vaporize at different temperatures. Lower temperatures tend to preserve more of the cannabinoids, resulting in more potent AVB. Thoroughness of Vaporization: If you vaporize your cannabis thoroughly, the AVB will have fewer active cannabinoids remaining. Conversely, if you vaporize it less, there will be more active compounds left in the AVB. Generally, AVB is less potent than fresh cannabis because some of the cannabinoids have been activated during vaporization. However, it's challenging to provide an exact potency percentage because it depends on the variables mentioned above. To get a sense of the potency of your AVB, you may want to start with a small amount when using it in recipes for edibles, tinctures, or other infusions and gradually increase the dose until you achieve the desired effects. Keep in mind that AVB can have a more sedative effect due to the partial conversion of THC to CBN (cannabinol) during vaporization, so its effects might differ from fresh cannabis.
Can you smoke AVB?
Yes, you can vape or smoke AVB, although it's important to understand that the effects and flavor will be different from fresh cannabis. Here's how you can use AVB in these two ways: Vaping AVB: You can load AVB into a vaporizer and vape it just like you would with fresh cannabis. Since the cannabinoids have already been partially activated during the initial vaporization, you don't need to heat it as much as you would with fresh flower. Start with a lower temperature setting on your vaporizer because AVB can be more sensitive to heat. This can help preserve the remaining cannabinoids and avoid combustion. Be aware that the flavor and vapor quality may not be as pleasant as with fresh cannabis, and the effects may be more sedative due to the conversion of THC to CBN during the initial vaporization. Smoking AVB: You can also smoke AVB in a joint, pipe, or other smoking device. Unlike fresh cannabis, AVB does not require further decarboxylation (heating to activate cannabinoids) since this process has already occurred during vaporization. AVB may have a somewhat harsher taste when smoked compared to fresh flower, and the flavor can be quite different. The effects of smoking AVB will vary depending on the original potency of the cannabis and the amount of active compounds remaining in the AVB. When using AVB, it's important to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it as needed to achieve the desired effects. Since the potency of AVB can vary, it's easy to underestimate its strength, so use caution and give yourself time to assess its effects before consuming more.